Payment Processors in Canada: No One Else Specialise In Hospitality Industry Like We Do.

We offer the most advanced payment authentication solutions available in Canada. Our services are designed to reduce your processing risk as well as be able to leverage the lower costs now being made available by MasterCard and Visa Card brands. Hence, creating a Point-of-Sales Payment environment that will provide the best value along with an optimised cost structure, among all other payment processors in Canada.

Payment processors in Canada


At National Payments, we hold payment security as our priority. That’s why we make a proactive effort to help provide our merchants everything they need to keep their business protected. From achieving PCI DSS compliance accreditation to  securing your customers’ data throughout transactions. Thus, our clients love us for the support we provide, among all other payment processors in Canada.

In today’s credit card processing environment in North America, National Payments firmly believe that we are in a uniquely qualified position to best provide hotels an optimised cost & risk management program. Not to mention, we help hotels manage their risk better than any other payment processors in Canada.

Specialised Payment Processors in Canada
National Payments is the only payment processor in Canada that specialises in hotels as well as hospitality industry. No one else has the expertise in handling hotel payments like we do.

Those existing hotel properties that are still processing credit cards via mag-swipe are at serious risk of card data being compromised, plus the additional costs associated with chargeback’s that cant be disputed due to fraudulent credit card transactions and or non-EMV processing.


Payment processors in Canada
  1. Cost
  • True Interchange Plus pricing is not only the most consistent and transparent price model, but it also results in simple, easy to understand monthly billings.
  • Avoid Interchange Differential or Blended Pricing models which are less predictable and result in more complex billings.
  • Monitor Transaction fees, assessment fees, as well as licensing fees against your initial quote.
  • Select EMV, Chip & Pin compliant terminals that ensure tokenization of card data
  • Select POS/PMS systems that integrate tokenization into your card transaction practices
  • Avoid keying in credit card data , or using mag-swipe, as processing costs will be dramatically more expensive then EMV
  • Avoid using magnetic swipe outside of an EMV compliant POS/PMS system; THEY can’t steal what you don’t have
  • For e-commerce and Card Not Present transactions
  • Ensure that card processing solution offers 3DS2 card authentication
  • 3DS2 is essentially the EMV Chip & Pin of card not present transactions and most advanced authentication solution available
  • 3DS2 built-in. 3DS2 technology authenticates consumers prior to authorisation, virtually eliminating chargebacks and shifting the liability for fraudulent transactions to credit card issuing banks
  • Provides a more frictionless experience for cardholders, and less cart abandonment
    Avoid keying in credit card data , as processing costs will be dramatically more expensive
3. PCI
  • With EMV, Chip & Pin compliant terminals, and POS/PMS systems that ensure tokenization of card data, you are ready to obtain your annual PCI certification
  • This certification provides you independent assurance of low-risk card processing
  • Merchants that do not have PCI certification could be facing significant cost burden and higher risk
4. Best Practice for Payment Processors in Canada
  • Tokenizing your card transactions is an essential step in the risk management process, but it may not be enough
  • Your card processing practices, reservation booking, no-show billings, and card not present practices need to comply with ‘best practices’ to not only minimize card data, and card use fraud, but to minimize chargebacks
  • In many cases, chargebacks can be avoided through the disciplined adoption of best practices
Payment processors in Canada
Prevent fraudulent activities


National Payments help provide your business the best in industry practices and recommendations to significantly reduce costly chargebacks from your profit center, thus improving your bottom line.

It’s this approach that has lead to a proven and excellent track record with our merchants for chargeback reduction and prevention. Moreover, we have refined our experience in chargeback prevention and best practices. Also, our innovative templates better assist your business with refuting chargebacks and improving your bottom line.

Each merchant is a truly valued client of ours, and we work hard to earn your trust and confidence through superior customer service and proactive tool kits on a day-to-day basis.

Proudly, no one else in the industry can match our commitment for chargeback prevention guidance.

Ready to take advantage of our game-changing solutions that will provide you with immediate savings & reduced risk?

Please, fill the form below so we may be able to contact you and help your business now